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Vasco, Spitz


1 Share
Age Weight
0 year(s), 4 month(s) and 28 day(s) 3.2 kg
0 year(s), 3 month(s) and 28 day(s) 2.55 kg
Weighing : Spitz - Male
Last weighings of Spitz male


At 2 year(s), 0 month(s) and 26 day(s), Hiro, Spitz male , weighed 4.8 kg.


At 0 year(s), 6 month(s) and 26 day(s), Jupiter, Spitz male , weighed 12.84 kg.


At 0 year(s), 2 month(s) and 17 day(s), Theodoro, Spitz male , weighed 1.25 kg.


At 2 year(s), 0 month(s) and 12 day(s), Hiro, Spitz male , weighed 5.1 kg.


At 0 year(s), 6 month(s) and 17 day(s), Jupiter, Spitz male , weighed 12.66 kg.


Spitz nain
Breed : Spitz
Gender : Male
Birth date : 2024-09-07
Desired adult weight: 3.5 kg
Profile: public
Country : Belgium
Language of registration: fr

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17 days

At 0 year(s), 4 month(s) and 28 day(s), Vasco, Spitz, male, weighed 3.2 kg.


1 month

At 0 year(s), 3 month(s) and 28 day(s), Vasco, Spitz, male, weighed 2.55 kg.


2 months

Vasco, Spitz, male : new profile photo


2 months

Registration of Vasco, Spitz, male, at the age of 0 year(s), 2 month(s) and 27 day(s).
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1 comment(s)
Michel.ricciardone@outlook.com,owner of Vasco 

17 days

Déjeuner 1 oeuf + emmental en omelette
Croquettes à volonté
Arrêt à 5 mois, du repas soir composé de poulet cuit à l'eau plus courgette et riz car selles pas toujours dures. Après Arrêt du repas du soir perte de 250 gr, il est très gourmand, c'est un estomac sur pattes...

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