Dog weight chart

Puppy Weight Chart

Do you think your puppy is too lean or too fat? Or you just want to make sure that he grows up normally?

Use our weight calculation tool to make sure. It allows to estimate the weight of your adult dog and to know the age of end of growth of your dog, until which age your dog grows.

Warning: the indicated values and the comments are given only as an indication. If in doubt, ask your veterinarian for advice.

To use this tool, you will need to provide your dog's date of birth, current weight and desired weight as an adult.


If you do not know the recommended adult weight for your dog breed, search our database:

Puppy weight chart :


To compare the weight of your puppy to the normal weight chart, fill out the form below.

Please note: all fields must be filled in.

Unit of measure:

Your Puppy's growth:

Monitor your puppy's weight, Compare it with the average curve and that of other registered dogs, possibly print its weight curve to seek advice from your veterinarian or share it on the forums.
You can register up to 9 puppies per account.
It's easy, it's free and it's here:

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News feed


31 minutes

Dustin, Flat-Coated Retriever, male : new picture , at the age of 0 year(s), 6 month(s) and 2 day(s)


34 minutes

Dustin, Flat-Coated Retriever, male : new picture , at the age of 0 year(s), 6 month(s) and 24 day(s)


35 minutes

Dustin, Flat-Coated Retriever, male : new picture , at the age of 0 year(s), 8 month(s) and 4 day(s)


36 minutes

At 0 year(s), 5 month(s) and 13 day(s), Valium, American Staff, male, weighed 17 kg.


36 minutes

Dustin, Flat-Coated Retriever, male : new picture , at the age of 0 year(s), 7 month(s) and 12 day(s)


39 minutes

At 0 year(s), 8 month(s) and 7 day(s), Dustin, Flat-Coated Retriever, male, weighed 27.2 kg.


56 minutes

At 0 year(s), 7 month(s) and 13 day(s), Lion, Labrador, male, weighed 33.2 kg.


1 hour

At 0 year(s), 3 month(s) and 6 day(s), Volf, German Shepherd Dog, male, weighed 13.6 kg.


1 hour

At 0 year(s), 2 month(s) and 23 day(s), Volf, German Shepherd Dog, male, weighed 10.9 kg.


1 hour

At 0 year(s), 2 month(s) and 16 day(s), Volf, German Shepherd Dog, male, weighed 9.8 kg.

Calculate your dog's food intake

Like us, the modern dog tends to overeat, to be overly sedentary and overweight. It is not always easy to know what is the ration of food to give to his dog. To keep it healthy, keep it longer and avoid veterinary fees, our tool helps you evaluate the amount of croquettes to give it.

Dog food calculator